Natural relief for pet arthritis with EFT tapping

Relief from pet arthritis with EFT tapping for animals


Arthritis can be a major health issue for our dogs and cats, especially when they are becoming elderly. It can greatly affect their mobility and quality of life and many pet people find it very stressful knowing how to tackle this condition. With that in mind, this week I’m sharing about how to use the technique of EFT tapping to help provide relief for your beloved pets from the pain and discomfort of arthritis.

 Arthritis in pets

Arthritis can show up in many forms and it’s really important to check in with your veterinary practitioner if you suspect that you pet may have arthritis.
Common signs of arthritis are limping, difficulty in moving e.g. jumping up and down and slowness in walking. As it progress there may be other physical signs, such as legs appearing thinner, a hunch in the spine or the pet continually licking or chewing one particular area. There can be other, less obvious signs too, such as tiredness or irritability. Your vet will be able to diagnose the issue. This is important because there are many different types of arthritis that respond to different treatments, so it’s good to know what treatment route will be most effective.

Veterinary diagnosis brings really useful information that can be used when using EFT tapping to help your pet to recover from and find relief from the discomfort of arthritis. You can use the information to your advantage. For example, you may find out that the issue is osteoarthritis, the most common form in pets, and tests may show that there is degeneration of the joints, calcium deposits or torn cartilage. You can then use this knowledge to target your rounds of EFT tapping (more details below).

Tips for talking to your vet

When talking to your vet, don’t be afraid to ask questions e.g. about the type of arthritis and the different treatment options available.
If you don’t understand what they are saying, ask them to explain it differently.
If you’d like to know what tests results really mean, again, specifically ask.
Don’t assume any course of action. For example when people find out that their pet has arthritis they sometimes assume that exercise should be dramatically reduced, but that may not necessarily be beneficial, so do ask if you are unsure.
It can also be useful to prepare a list of questions in advance.

What is EFT tapping and how can it help?

I’ve always been curious to find the easiest, most effective and benign ways to help pets to stay healthy and happy and easily overcome disease. EFT tapping is often my go-to tool for clients pets and my own. I do, of course also recommend following veterinary advice and treatment, yet consider using complementary options such as EFT alongside conventional treatment (or even as a preventative measure when there are the first signs of arthritis).

So, what is this EFT?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as EFT tapping or tapping, is a simple and effective tool initially used to clear fears, phobias and trauma. It is increasingly used to clear physical discomfort and dis-ease, including arthritis, as this article shows. In a nutshell EFT involves tapping on particular acupressure points whilst focusing on the issue at hand. I have further information about tapping here and more details about using it with pets here. It may seem strange, yet it really does work.

Whilst it’s more often used with humans, it’s also very effective for animals and I use it in my pet healing practice with great success. The best thing about it is that it’s safe for you to try on your own pets and you can use it to reduce any stress or upset you might have about your pet’s condition.
Here’s what I’ve found with it.

Tapping can relieve pain and distress that your pet may be feeling. It can also help to rebalance and re-energise your pet and promote a speedy recovery from illness and it can also slow down degenerative wear and tear of the joints if done regularly.  You can get very specific when you do the tapping for your pet e.g. if they have torn cartilage you could tap specifically on that.

It’s also a wonderful tool for you, the pet’s guardian. Our stress as pet carers and guardians can be huge when we’re faced with a decline in the health, especially one with long term implications, such as arthritis. The tapping can help you stay  focused, make clear decisions and reduce any anxiety you have about their condition.

Video demonstration of EFT tapping for pet arthritis.

Here is a quick demonstration video that you can easily join in with. If done regularly, it can bring about significant improvement in your pet’s condition, so I invite you to join me and give it a go.

Over to you.

Let me know if you try the tapping.You could choose to do it daily for a week and note both your pet’s symptoms (how severe / intense and how regular) and your reactions to that. See if there has been a noticeable improvement within that time. As well as noticing improvement in your pet you may find that you feel calmer afterwards or more able to deal with the situation.

Sometimes more in depth and focused tapping may be required, especially if the issue is chronic and ongoing, yet people have got great results from tapping along with my demonstration videos. If you’d like to explore how to use EFT for your pet even more effectively, or would like my personal assistance with their condition, I offer private sessions worldwide via skype and phone.

Over the past 6 years I’ve been amazed at how tapping has brought relief to my own pets and those I work with. To me it’s a Godsend to have it in my toolkit and it’s my pleasure to share about it with you, so your pets can get the benefit of it too. My vision is that soon more of you will be choosing to use the tapping to improve your pets health and well-being.

Happy tapping and thank you for reading,



2 Responses to Natural relief for pet arthritis with EFT tapping

  1. “I do, of course also recommend following veterinary advice and treatment, yet consider using complementary options such as EFT alongside conventional treatment.”

    i so appreciate this approach, ferris. i have been incorporating holistic methods into my own medical care more often over the past few years (including the practice of qi gong most recently). it simply makes sense to utilize whatever methods will work (and trying the natural route first) for ourselves AND our beloved pets.

    • Thanks April, qi gong is a lovely practice (my pets always come and lie by my feet when I do it). Yes, it does make sense to utilise the natural options first.