Author Archives: Ferris

Try this if your pet is missing or lost.

After my Elvie cat went missing one weekend a few weeks ago, just for about a day, it reminded me of the importance of using every trick in the book when that happens. It can be an incredibly tense and stressful time. So, today I’m sharing some of my favourite tools and tips for helping your pets… Continue Reading

It’s never easy to say goodbye.

When it’s time to say goodbye. As pet lovers and guardians, saying goodbye to a beloved furred friend is never going to be easy. Last week I was asked by Shannon Nicholson over at Mack and Spencer (a site named after her most adorable labradors) to write a piece for her readers sharing some tips to… Continue Reading

Appreciating our beloved pets.

‘Have I told you lately that I love you’ were the song lyrics, corny as they may be, that tumbled through my mind as I was re-united with my darling Sally dog this week, after being away at the fantastic Animal Energy World Conference in England last weekend. I guess absence really does make the… Continue Reading