Author Archives: Ferris

EFT tapping videos

Did you know that I have added some great EFT tap along videos to my You Tube Channel (‘bringmemagic’) over the past couple of months? Here’s a quick taster of some hot topics. To watch the videos, either click on the pictures below, or if you don’t see a picture click on the titles. Enjoy. Overcome doubt… Continue Reading

Becoming a Thought Gardener

I’ve come to think of myself as a ‘thought gardener’. I help people to sow and nurture the seeds of what they want in their lives (be it better health, happiness, success) and to weed out the thoughts and beliefs that hold them back from reaching their full potential. As a keen gardener the analogy of… Continue Reading

The Feel-Good Factor

Everyone wants to feel good – it’s natural to want that for ourselves. I fact,  as Abraham says, everything we want, is really because we think we will feel better in the having of it. Often, we put conditions on feeling good e.g. ” I’ll feel good when XXX … I get that job, that car, have more time,… Continue Reading

Going ‘bite sized’

  Last month I did my 30 days of Appreciation challenge and one of the things that struck me most was the power of ‘bite sized’ appreciations.  Finding 30 seconds to notice things to feel good about was really effective – and it was really easy to do that several times in the day, even… Continue Reading

The Art of Appreciation

I’m a great believer in the power of appreciation. By focusing intentionally on something we like, we tune ourselves to seeing more of what we like in our world. When we are in a moment of appreciating something, we raise our energies and vibration – bottom line – we feel good when we think of… Continue Reading

Abraham LIVE

I’m a great fan of the Abraham-Hicks Material (see resources section) and was just so delighted to be a part of the first LIVE Abraham seminar broadcast yesterday that I had to share my experience with you.  The seminar was in Pheonix Arizona and I was at home – here  at my computer. Now, I’ve… Continue Reading