When it’s time to say goodbye.
As pet lovers and guardians, saying goodbye to a beloved furred friend is never going to be easy.
Last week I was asked by Shannon Nicholson over at Mack and Spencer (a site named after her most adorable labradors) to write a piece for her readers sharing some tips to help us soothe the heartache of our loss.
I was honored to do so and trust it will help soothe the pain of those grieving for their dearly departed pets.
Read on ….
To read the article ‘The Hardest Goodbye’ over at the Mack and Spencer’s blog, where I look a 5 ways we can ease our pain at this time, click here or on the link below.
There’s also a link at the end of the article to an EFT tapping video I made to help people find relief from the intensity of the emotions that they can feel after losing a furred companion.
Pay it forward
Please share the article and video with those who would benefit and find comfort from it.
If you know of someone who is suffering after losing their animal companion please consider passing the article on to them. It may help ease their pain.
Thank you.
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