I’m a great believer in the power of appreciation. By focusing intentionally on something we like, we tune ourselves to seeing more of what we like in our world.
When we are in a moment of appreciating something, we raise our energies and vibration – bottom line – we feel good when we think of good things. Whether it’s something we’re experiencing in the moment (good company, beautiful surroundings, an uplifting event), or something that we’ve already experienced or want to experience in the future, appreciation is an art form worth embracing.
Here are my top tips.
Start with easy subjects.
Get curious. What makes you smile? What makes your heart sing? For some it’s children playing, animals, or close friends. For others it’s sunsets, favorite memories, music or art.

What moves you? What is a wonderful thing to have in the world? What’s the favorite thing in your home?

It MUST feel good when you think of it.
If you’re feeling less than wonderful when you’re focusing on the subject, then you’re not in appreciation. So, if thinking of the dream house you want just upsets you – try something easier.
Milk it.
Once you know what ‘works’ for you, milk it. Whether it’s a place or person, ramp up that warm fuzzy feeling, so you know you can come back to it again and again.

Make it vivid.
Use all your senses. Appreciate in technicolour, note the feel, the sounds, smells and the positive emotions that bubble up.

So, put it to the test. See how many things you can find to appreciate and write them out in a daily list or in a journal.
If, like me, you already do that, go deeper. Set yourself a challenge to appreciate more for the next 10, 20 or 30 days.
I was inspired to write this post after witnessing and enjoying a seasoned appreciator’s new 30 day challenge to appreciate not only what is or has been but also what is wanted – as if it has already occurred. Click here to follow Yogini’s 30 day challenge progress.
I’ll be playing along myself, starting today.
I’m already enjoying thinking of the things we often take for granted – the air in our lungs, food, shelter and sunlight and then … there’s the BIG STUFF, the world spinning on it’s axis in just the right location to support life as we know it, the stars, the galaxies, the wonder of life as we know it in all it’s forms. Our bodies, planet and Universe are pretty amazing places to be!

You can follow my progress on my 30 days of appreciation here at my other blog and also through my You Tube Videos, the first of which is below. Enjoy.
A lovely read :))) Yay for Appreciation!!!!
Glad you like it – and thanks for inspiring it in the first place 😉
[…] so I’m all inspired to ramp up my appreciation levels (see why) and, for the first time I’ll be posting daily on my progress and thoughts on the […]
Anytime .. just remember to remind me too if I need some reminding myself 😉
[…] Appreciate what IS going right in your life right now (see blog on the Art of Appreciation). It is easy to forget what we already have, whether it’s good friends, good food, good […]
[…] revives the spirit, and appreciation or gratitude is the quickest way to raise your vibrations. So, think of things that you appreciate […]