Turn around worry and ‘what ifs’ (with tap along video)

what if you could turn around worry?I have quite strong feelings about worry. To me, it’s not only useless – well, have you ever worried something better or has worry ever helped you find a solution? –  but is also a real energy drain and downer.

Think about it, what happens when you worry? What are you doing? You’re just feeding your imagination with negative scenarios and putting your body into stress mode. Whether it’s about your health, finances, those you love, worry can take up a lot of your thoughts, colour your outlook on life and really affect your energy (when you imagine those scenarios you body feels them as really happening ).

So, what can we do when worry creeps in? The simple answer is to turn it around. For years I have used a simple exercise I discovered from the Abraham Hicks teachings. Lets call it the ‘what if’ game. Usually when we worry, our mind is full of ‘what ifs’ e.g. what if my business folds, what if my husband loses his job, what if my pet’s health declines.

In the ‘what if’ game, we simply turn it around. We think of what we’d want to happen e.g.what if my business thrives, what if my husband gets a great new job, what if my pet improves his health.

This may seem like a simple exercise, but it really is powerful. When we think of positive outcomes rather than negative ones, we attract those positive possibilities into our lives, we open up to them and allow them to happen.

I add a an extra twist to this game, especially when something feels BIG and I can feel the worry inside me – can you guess – yes, I combine the game with EFT tapping* (if you know me, you know I love to tap). I start by tapping on the negative ‘what if’ and as that eases in intensity I start to replace it with the positive ‘what if’. I share that process in the tap along video below. So, pick a worry that you want to release and tap along with me below, or click here if you can’t see the picture.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Let me know in the comments below if the tapping or what if game has helped you feel better about a situation in your life. Or, have you another great tip for dealing with worry?

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* If you don’t know what tapping is click here to find out.


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