People are curious about what exactly happens in my energy healing sessions with pets, so I made a quick video to explain what goes on in them, which you can see later in the post. Whilst making that video, I realised that I don’t often talk directly about what energy healing is (even though most of my posts include some form of it).
For example, I often post about using EFT tapping and sometimes other techniques, to help our pets, and ourselves, when they become unwell or unhappy. EFT is one of my favourite forms of energy healing, especially for pets. Yet the term ‘energy healing’ can mean different things to different people and can seem very woo woo. So, today I’m going to shed some light on what it means to me.
What exactly IS energy healing?
To me me it’s about bringing back to balance, to full health and well-being. It seems like the folks at Oxford dictionaries agree with my sentiments about healing.
I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t always been comfortable using the word ‘healing’. It can imply that something is broken and requires fixing, which isn’t the case at all. Or it can seem like a special gift, which isn’t true either. Anyone can learn how to do it, through a variety of techniques, and most of us do it naturally to some level anyway.
Healing can be as simple as a loving touch, or a loving thought. It can also be very specific, using techniques to affect the physical body, emotions, mind and spirit.
I use the term ‘energy healing’, as we are made up of energy and relate to each other through energy (if I was being more specific I could include consciousness into the mix, as animals and people are a blend of energy and consciousness).
How does it work?
For me, the bedrock to all healing is intention and focus. Here’s a quote which I stil remember from when first discovering energy healing in the late 1990s.
‘Where intention goes, energy flows’
That pretty much sums it up. I would also say that, in my point of view, having a loving intention is also vital. That loving intention is transmitted through touch, through prayer, through thought. Our pets pick up on it very easily.
There are many, many different forms of energy healing. Reiki healing works by channeling universal energy through the practitioner’s hands and it goes wherever it’s needed. With the tapping, there’s a combination of focus and tapping the points. I’ve done other specific training where we work specifically on different parts of the energy field. Plants and plant energies can also be used for healing. And there are many, many other forms too from angel therapies, pranic healing to shamanism and more.
The common denominator, in my view, is always an intention to heal, to restore balance and well-ness. Out of all my training, some of which was very extensive, I realised that it’s not about the ‘techniques’ (although they are truly valuable and so useful and required), it always comes back to intention. After my 4 years at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing the most profound learning I had was this:
Being truly ‘present’ with my client (even if I’m 1000 miles away and doing distance work), truly listening and being there for them, is the most important part of the healing process.
Why do pets need it?
I sometimes have wondered why our pet’s don’t naturally come back to balance with ease.
I guess, like us, sometimes they just need some extra support, and extra comfort to help them to heal. When they’ve experienced illness, health decline or trauma, their bodies can do with some reminding of how to be healthy again. That’s where energy healing comes in.
Also, they can be influenced by our worries and concerns about their condition. They pick up on that as quickly as they pick up on healing energy.
As an energy ‘healer’ part of my job is to hold the vision of wellness for the pet I’m working with and to invite them back to that. I also usually encourage their people to do the same, so that message of well-being becomes stronger and stronger.
This quote from Abraham-Hicks puts it beautifully.
True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that. So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. (that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer’s influence)
Usually, using energy healing techniques will result in animals healing fast from illness, injury or surgery.
I use them to help elderly pets to be more comfortable and have improved quality of life as they age.
I have also had success with overcoming emotional and behavioural issues.
The possibilities are endless.
So, what exactly do I do in my pet healing sessions?
I reveal all in this week’s video. Click here or on the image below to watch it.
If you’d like to find out more about my energy healing sessions for pets, click here.
As I explain in the video, I world worldwide via photograph, skype and phone, so distance is never an issue.
If you’d like to try using energy healing techniques for your own pets, I invite you to check out the EFT tapping? It’s simple to learn and can help you too.
Find out more here.
Of course, there is a whole world of energy healing techniques to discover, so choose what resonates with you. It can be as simple as a touch or a thought.
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