Order a bespoke tap-along.


If you find it hard to know what to say when tapping for your pets, this can help.

I can create a tapping video and audio file for you, based on information I will ask you in a questionnaire.
I will also give you some tapping targets and a tapping tracker pdf, so you can track your tapping progress with ease.

You will get 

  • a tap along video that includes tapping for your pet’s ailment and tapping for your reactions to it
  • an audio file of the same tap along
  • a tapping targets sheet, outlining specific areas for you to tap on
  • a tapping tracker sheet, so you can track your progress with ease


What it costs

You get all of that for just $25 USD (that’s about £20)

How to buy it

To buy it, click on the button below to pay via Paypal (you can use a credit card with Paypal if you do not have a Paypal account).
After paying you will be taken to a page with a link to the questionnaire which you will need to fill in, so I have details for creating the tap-along.

Once I have received the questionnaire I will make the video and send you the links and documents to your email address.

If you have any questions you can email me at ferris@ferrisjay.com