Healing isn’t always linear – and why that matters.

Healing isnt always a straight path from A to B.

Sometimes it can be, for example if we, or our pets, break a bone.
It can be set and after a period of time, it usually heals as expected.

Yet often, healing isnt that simple.

There can be obstacles or unforseen setbacks.

We might deal with one issue and then another can come up.

The same applies to our ‘inner’ issues – the thought patterns that keep us stuck in stressful or negative thinking.

When doing EFT tapping, I often explain it as peeling the layers of an onion.

We peel back the first layer of the surface issue or dominant emotion, and then there’s a different one underneath, like underneath anger there might be fear.

The same is true of energy patterns.

Why is this important? 

It can be easy to be disappointed if we expect everything to be linear and smooth sailing and then it isnt.

If the healing process hits a ‘dip’ we can forget the progress that has already been made.

I experienced this today with a client, who, in a wobbly moment, couldn’t see how far she’d come.

She’d got caught in a wave of negative emotion and couldn’t see past it.

It only took a few minutes of tapping to ‘surf’ that wave and let the emotions run through and release.

That’s why I love EFT Tapping.

Change can be really fast.

There is also more work to do, with looking at how and why she got triggered and clearing the root cause, but she’s already back on track.

It can be similar with physical issues.
When our body is healing, factors such as stress or worry can exacerbate the symptoms or cause a mini ‘flare up’ during the healing journey.

Tapping is also really effective at helping to clear blockages in our, or our pet’s energy that result in or affect their physical symptoms, so tapping for your pet’s symptoms can be very beneficial.

To learn simple tapping for your pet, and two other helpful energy techniques to soothe and heal them, click on the link below to gain access to my new free video series.



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