Everyone wants to feel good – it’s natural to want that for ourselves. I fact, as Abraham says, everything we want, is really because we think we will feel better in the having of it.
Often, we put conditions on feeling good e.g. ” I’ll feel good when XXX … I get that job, that car, have more time, have less to do etc”.
We can find ourselves waiting .. waiting for the weekend, the sunshine, the holidays? Waiting for that reason to feel good?
Yet, we CAN train ourselves to feel good regardless of the external situation – before getting the job, car, money, relationship, dress size etc and once we can do that – we are truly free.
Well, wait no longer – there are great ways to tap into feeling good right here and now (and of course, there are ways to help attract those wanted things – but that’s a story for another day).
So, how DO we turn on the feel-good factor?
Here are my top 5 tips
1. Find the feeling place: Think of having the thing you want and how it will feel when you get it. What is the emotion that comes up? The feeling? Tune into that feeling e.g. peace, joy, excitement …. and milk it. You can also imagine or remember times that felt great – lovely holidays, beautiful places, uplifting events – and then milk those memories to get you feeling great.
2. Find reasons to be happy anyway: A great Abraham example is the woman with arthritis who asks how she can be happy whilst in such pain and Abe says you can have arthritis and be angry / depressed OR you can have arthritis and be hopeful / optimistic. In essence that is true – you can change your reaction to a situation / see it differently / make peace with it. It really is a choice. Ask yourself if you COULD be happy anyway? (You can use EFT and the Abraham-Hicks processes to easily help to shift how you see things and change your reactions).
3. Fake it to make it: pretend to be happy and feeling good – smile, laugh and your body will respond as if it is real. Try it. Laughter is great medicine and helps your body release endorphins (the body’s feel-good chemicals). There are now online laughter groups (such as the wonderful skype laughter club) and local laughter yoga events, so, even if your friends aren’t a laugh a minute, you can easily get a hearty laugh.

4. Appreciate what IS going right in your life right now (see blog on the Art of Appreciation). It is easy to forget what we already have, whether it’s good friends, good food, good health, great architecture, nature, technology. Take time to tune into the good stuff. The more you notice it, the more of it you’ll see in your life.
5. Last, but by no means least: Use EFT tapping to clear out those ‘reasons’ why you don’t feel good yet e.g. for needing a situation to change before you can feel happy. You can start with the set up phrase “Even though I need this job / car (insert applicable) in order to be happy, I’m willing to deeply and completely love and accept myself exactly as I am.”
You can also use tapping techniques, such as the Choices Method (more on that shortly) to affirm choosing positive feelings, once you have tapped out the main issue.
Great post Ferris … such simple, effective techniques, thanks for reminding us about them. This stuff should be taught in schools! x
Thanks Leanne 🙂 I agree that that this stuff really should be taught in schools – it would make such a difference 🙂 X Ferris
Beautiful blog
Thanks Marilyn, delighted that you like it 🙂