I’m so excited to be creating a series of videos demonstrating how to use EFT tapping to help pets and their owners when their beloved animals are unwell or unhappy.
I’ve already created three of the five videos that will make up the series.
In video 1 we demonstrate tapping for our own reactions to our pets issues (this is fundamental to clearing our energies to work with our pets – and it really helps us cope better and make better decisions). Click here or on the picture below to watch the video.
In video 2 we demonstrate simple surrogate tapping, where we tap on ourselves whilst focus on our pets issues to bring about change. Click here or on the picture below to watch the video.
To see the rest of the videos in the series for free, just sign up here at www.ferrisjay.com and you’ll get immediate access to them as they are released.
As a pet owner I know how distressing it is when our animal friends are struggling or in pain. With this video series I know that I can show others how to support their pets simply and effectively and help themselves through those tough times with as much grace and ease as possible.
Please share this post and the video links with those who would benefit from them.
Many thanks, Ferris Jay
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