5 top tips for coping in a crisis (with EFT tap along)

can't cope?

Last week I got to find out how I cope in a ‘crisis’*.

You may be surprised to know that I’m not usually the best in a crisis – especially if it involves an injury or blood – I can easily spin into a panic at first, which isn’t helpful.

Well, I got to find out if this was still true last week when, when my beloved Elvie cat came home (we’d been away for a couple of days) with traumatic injuries.

I’ll share the tips that helped me (and him) through, including a tapping round, so that if something unwanted and distressing  happens in your life (or is an impending possibility) you have some extra tools to help you cope.

Here are my top tips.

1. Get appropriate immediate help or assistance

If there has been an accident or injury make sure that the first thing you do is call  a doctor / ambulance / vet. When I saw Elvie, after carrying him back to the house, the first thing I did was to ring the vet. Even in other circumstances, there may be someone to call (e.g. a plumber / your insurance broker if your house has just flooded). For some situation the citizens advice bureau or a good lawyer could be appropriate.

2. Take some flower essences

Do this asap after any shock or negative situation. This really helps stabilize your energy systems in a crisis. There are blends just for this purpose and they REALLY help (the difference before and after taking them is palpable). I have tried and can personally recommend a) Bach Flowers ‘Rescue Remedy’, b) Findhorn Flower Essences ‘First Aid’ and c) Perelandra’s ‘ETS+’ (Emergency Trauma Solution) for humans (they also have ETS+ for animals – which I gave to Elvie).

It is worth having some flower essences ready for emergency situations (I now carry a bottle of ETS+ in my purse).

3. Create or call on your support system

This is where you call on those close friends who can offer their support and / or get some professional support as you deal with the crisis situation. I did both. I rang a close friend (who let me know about a closer vet who could see Elvie earlier), I posted a request for healing for Elvie (and from a reply found out about a beautiful healing mantra that I found really helpful – thank you Adela!) and I reached out to my healing team for support also.

You don’t have to ‘go it alone’, reach out and get some help as you traverse your situation. Get some tlc – a massage, or healing session will relax you. If you tap**, consider getting an EFT session. It will help lift you out of panic / overwhelm / shock and help you move forward with grace and clarity.

4. Practice extreme self care

This is crucial. You need to be really, really kind to yourself – and not just for a day or two. You need to be sure you take time for self care (and sleep!).  It can be useful to make a list of things that really help you to feel good, little things even – such as a warm bath, reading a favorite book, being in nature – and making sure you DO them, even just for 5 minutes a day. If you can, keep up any positive regimes – good eating habits, exercise and meditation.  Meditation, even 2 minutes at a time to quiet your mind, will help you stay clearer and stronger.

5. Use EFT tapping**

Tapping for yourself can help clear the initial shock of the crisis and ongoing reactions and issues that arise. It can be a lifeline for getting through tough situations (remember that you can tap discreetly on the finger points in public).

Even if you seem to be doing well at first be prepared for a delayed reaction or a reaction once everything has ‘calmed down’.  For example, I was really calm for the first few days after Elvie’s trauma. On day 1 I’d sorted the vet, reached out, I’d tapped for his injuries and felt that surgery would go well. Even post op, seeing the extent of the damage (3/4 of his tail and his back left leg were amputated) although I had to tap on seeing that damage I felt peaceful until …. he managed (3 legged) to escape and run into the hedge a couple of days after getting home. I ‘lost it’ then! I also didn’t cope so well when he started chewing his stitches (but that’s a whole other story for another day).

The point is, don’t judge yourself if you ‘fall to pieces’ at some point, or even afterwards and feel that you can’t cope. Try to recognize where you can help yourself and where it’s best to reach out for more assistance. When I help others in similar situations I am humbled by the relief and peace of mind that it brings to them.

Here’s a tapping round to help with just that feeling of ‘ I can’t cope’. Click on this link or the picture below to tap along

Now, I’d love to hear from you. How do you cope in a crisis? Let me know what helps you the most and if tapping along with this week’s video has been useful for you.

Leave your comments below the blog post. Thank you.

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*To me a crisis is an unexpected / traumatic/ distressing / difficult / stressful even dangerous event (or possibility of such an event). It can be an emotional issue as well as physical one.

** If you don’t know what tapping is click here to find out.

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