By the time this goes live, my lovely Sally dog will be undergoing minor surgery, so this subject is really on my mind. Luckily, it’s nothing too serious for Sally, just an oversized fatty lump that needs to be removed, but I must admit to having pre-surgery jitters. After all, she is a lady of a certain age (over 15) and there is always risk with anesthetic.
Although we say it’s ‘natural’ to feel nervous, I know it isn’t helping me and it isn’t helping her, so later in the post I’m sharing an EFT tapping video to show you how to tap out that kind of anxiety, so you can feel calm and be a positive influence for your pet when they need to go under the knife.
First here are some practical considerations when your pet is due for surgery.
1. Check with your vet to see if your pet needs to be fasted (to not eat for a time prior to surgery). If needs be, put a note on their food bowl – or even round their neck – to remind you NOT to feed them prior to surgery.
2. Check also to see if they need to start medication before surgery (or if they are already on medication, whether they should take it prior to surgery).
3. Start to prepare your home for your pet’s return before they get back. They will usually need a quiet place to recover (it can take an animal up to 24 hours to recover from the anesthetic and they may be disorientated). They may need a crate to rest in and they might need an e-cone / e-collar if there is a risk of them chewing their stitches (I have a whole post about that here). They may also need different toileting arrangements to normal.
4. Make sure someone can stay with them after surgery (or arrange to leave them in the care of their vet longer if nobody is home) and make arrangements in case they are to stay at the vet overnight e.g. is someone available to pick them up the following morning?
5. Deal with any worries or anxieties you have BEFORE surgery time. I use EFT tapping to relieve any nerves I have. That way I can be in a positive frame of mind and be at my most supportive for Sally at surgery time (I send positive energy during surgery to her and I send waves of appreciation to the surgery team). It’s important for me to really appreciate and remember WHY she’s having the procedure and focus of the benefit to her and the reason why we are doing it, rather than dwell on the risk factor.
Here is a demonstration EFT tap along video that you can use to relieve your pre-surgery anxiety or jitters. To watch the video, click here or on the image below.
Post surgery.
1. Make sure they have a quiet environment during recovery. You may need to keep them seperate from other animals or children for a while (they can be unpredictable when coming round from anaesthetic and easily startled). This varies from pet to pet. I like to sit in the same room where I can keep an eye on them for the day they come home, yet give them space also.
2. Check that they can eat and drink properly. If they are wearing a cone, it may take them a while to get used it it (or you may have to take it off while they eat).
3. Make sure they can’t injure themselves e.g. by jumping or climbing stairs too soon after a procedure that affects their mobility. Check with your vet about how to re-introduce exercise if necessary.
4. If they are in discomfort or slow to recover you can always do EFT tapping for them (in addition to consulting your vet about it). See my free video series for further details of how to tap for your pet.
5. Use other support strategies: There are many ways to aid you pet’s recovery, from energy healing, to prayer and other holistic therapies. One modality I use regularly, as well as tapping and energy therapies, is flower essences. For pets I often use ETS (Emergency Trauma Solution) for animals. Bach Flower Rescuse Remedy is also a popular option for post operative recovery. I often recommend flower essences for the humans as well as pets.
Now it’s over to you.
I know it’s very common for people to get really anxious for their pets before surgery and I know the EFT tapping can bring quick relief from this. So, please do try the tapping if you fall into that camp and can’t get your fears or concerns out of your head, you’ve nothing to lose by trying it and you’re likely to feel a LOT better afterwards. Also, please consider sharing this video and article with other people who are suffering from anxiety about their pet’s surgery. You’ll be doing them a great favour.
I love to hear your stories, so let me know in the comments below, if you tried the tapping, what difference it made to your anxiety levels. Or, tell me your tips to help your pet through surgery.
[…] surgery and for managing my emotions and nerves around it (I even wrote a blog post all about it – go here to read the post), but, I’ll admit that I can still feel the ‘tug’ of nerves. […]