Do you want your pet to be a happy traveller?

pets trvael

Maybe your pets love to travel, I know my Sally dog does, but for a lot of people travelling with their pet can be tense and uncomfortable for all concerned, often with vocal protests from the furred parties (especially if they are cats).  Maybe your pet gets car sick and vomits on long journeys. You may think that it’s something you have to ‘put up’ with, but I have helped a lot of pets get over their travel fears and given lot of pet owners peace of mind around this issue.

Today I’ll give you some tips on stress free travelling with your pet and also a tap along video so you can help your pet relax about travelling.

Practical tips.

1. Be safe.

Animals can feel safer if confined when travelling and it’s safer than having a loose dog or cat suddenly distract the driver, so I advise using a crate or harness for dogs and a carrying box for cats when they are in cars.

2. Don’t feed them before the journey.

This is common sense, especially if they are liable to vomit during the journey. If your journey is very long, you may need to take a break and offer them water (see below) and simple food en route though.

3. Give them exercise before the journey.

This is especially true for dogs. If they have had a good run and stretch it’s easier for them to relax during the journey and they are less likely to need a toilet break shortly into the trip.

4. Make sure they have access to water and air during the journey.

Pets can dehydrate very quickly, especially in high temperatures, so make sure you give them water at regular intervals and that they get some fresh air (especially if you park up during the journey). Even leaving the windows a crack upon is not enough on hot sunny days, even for a few minutes.

Mindset tips.

1. Introduce them to travel gradually.

For new pets who haven’t travelled before, or to re-train pets to be less sensitive to travelling, you can build up gradually. So, start by putting the crate or carry box in the car for a few minutes, then bring them back indoors. Then place them in the car and drive a very short distance and return home. That way, cats especially, won’t associate car travel with a trip to the vets and they may be calmer.

2. Energy speaks louder than words.

Pets pick up on your energy more than your words, so if you are anxious about travelling with them they will pick up on it. So, do something about it – tap out any anxiety about the journey before you set off (see this weeks video) using EFT. Then they’ll ense that you are in a calm mood and it will help them to stay calm too.

3. Helping your pet to feel better.

If your pet is travel sick, I recommend trying the EFT tapping for them. You’ve nothing to lose. I have helped several pets overcome travel sickness this way. Use the video below as a starting point.

To watch the video, please click here or on the image below.

If your pet has deep seated issues around traveling and tapping along with the video doesn’t resolve it, don’t give up. Sometimes you have to dig deeper to get to the core of the issue.

If you need extra help with this I would love to support you and your pet, using EFT and other energy techniques, so you can all travel safely and happily together. Also remember to  check with your local veterinarian for natural remedies or medicines to use in conjunction with the tapping.

As ever, I love to hear your stories. Leave me a message in the comments below if you have been affected by your pets travel issues and tell me if you have been able to resolve them or not.

If you know someone who would really benefit from reading this post and could do without the stress of travel sick pets, please forward it to them.

Thank you,


2 Responses to Do you want your pet to be a happy traveller?

  1. […] products such as thunder-shirts to help dogs to travel with less anxiety (also see my blog post on helping your pet to travel with ease), there are DAP devices that release pheromones (DAP stands for Dog Appeasing Pheromones) and a […]