Appreciating our beloved pets.

Take time to appreciate your pets today
‘Have I told you lately that I love you’ were the song lyrics, corny as they may be, that tumbled through my mind as I was re-united with my darling Sally dog this week, after being away at the fantastic Animal Energy World Conference in England last weekend.

I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder (although I think my heart has always overflowed with appreciation for this beloved fur baby of mine) and the fact that I’d just been talking about the loss of our pets reminded me to appreciate every moment that we DO have with them.

So, that’s the simple message that I want to share with you today.

Take time to appreciate your furred (or feathered) friends.

Don’t forget to tell them to their face.

We all love getting compliments and being appreciated and when we’re hearing someone talk affectionately to us, it feels great, right?
So, do that for your pets today if you haven’t already.
They will understand, from the energy behind your words, exactly what you mean.

I often encourage my clients to talk to their pets, to tell them what is going on and to share how they (the person) is feeling.
Many times I recommend that they ‘tap-talk’ with their pets.
This means using the EFT tapping process while they chat to their pets.
When things are intense it helps keep the person calm and balanced, but, it can also be used for happy conversations too, it just enhances the whole experience. I love doing this and always feel fabulous afterwards.

If you’re not quite sure how to ‘tap-talk’ or what it’s like, just follow along with my demonstration below. (This style of positive tapping is based on Silvia Hartmann’s Positive EFT and you can read more about it here).

Video: Appreciation tapping for your pet

Here’s your chance to try the tapping out by joining in with my demonstration (I’m tapping with my Sally dog, of course).
Click here or on the image below to watch the video.

Over to you.

I’d love to hear how you appreciate your pets. Do you tell them directly how much you love them?

Let me know if you have tried tapping along with the video. How did your pet respond to it and how did you feel afterwards?

Leave me a comment below this post and please share this post with those who can benefit from it.

Thank you,


5 Responses to Appreciating our beloved pets.

  1. Thank you Ferris for your most pleasant manner and love for your furry friends
    you are such a lovely person and i always feel comfortable and at ease when listening to your voice and the comforting words you speak
    Bless you and your pets xx
    with fond love Annette and Banjo cat

    • Aww, thank you for your lovely comment Annette, it warms my heart to get such feedback.
      Sending lots of love to you and Banjo xx

      • You are most welcome Ferris, and my darling Banjo was relaxed and sleepy on my bed last night and I told him all the lovely things I adore about him while petting him and tapping. He laid there totally still and purring.
        But he has a bad habit of pestering me in the night, usually hungry.
        I would like to tap that out, ha ha xx

  2. Dear Ferris, Thank you so much for sharing your passion & inspiration. This video is so helpful, I played it with my lovely hubby in the room , he’s not into tapping ( yet) & I’m sure he & definitely Pugsey picked up the vibes! In fact Pugsey lifted his head & I felt sure he smiled. Namaste & gratitude Marion

    • Dear Marion, I bet that both your hubby and Pugsey picked up the good vibes .. good vibes are infectious, in the best way possible 🙂
      Thanks for your kind words, I’m smiling thinking of your sweet Pugsey smiling up at you 🙂
      Thanks for sharing that.