Try this if your pet is missing or lost.

Help your pet to come home
After my Elvie cat went missing one weekend a few weeks ago, just for about a day, it reminded me of the importance of using every trick in the book when that happens. It can be an incredibly tense and stressful time. So, today I’m sharing some of my favourite tools and tips for helping your pets find their way home to you.

Practical tips

1. Put out the word
This may seem obvious but do remember to ask everyone you can think of locally if they have seen your pet.
Using the local grapevine is the first step in getting your pet back easily.
Put up signs, ask at the veterinarians (they will make a note of the missing animal and can contact you if somebody has found your pet and contacted them) and any pounds or animal shelters.
Also, take advantage of social media and check with local contacts there to see if they have seen your pet.

2. Check potential hiding places.
You know their favourite places, so be sure to check there for them.
Also check local garages, barns, lofts or other places that they could hide out, which sometimes happens if they are injured or became frightened.
Cats especially, may be hiding after encounters with other cats, so be patient and keep checking. I helped a friend’s cat return home after it had been hiding for 2 days. The people were moving and the cat got a scare and I felt it was hiding locally in some shrubbery. Using the beacon exercise shown later helped the cat have the confidence to some out enough to be seen by her owners.

They can also be shut into garages. This happened to my Leo cat. He had a love of climbing ladders and must have climbed a ladder in the neigbours garage that led to the loft and then became trapped there once the ladder was removed.

3. Do a local drive and walk around.
Even just for piece of mind it’s worth driving around and seeing if you spot them and also doing a smaller area on foot.
One winter my aunt’s geriatric Jack Russell went wandering and we found her, just before dark, curled up in the corner of a local field.
She was fine once she was home again.
Also, a drive around gives piece of mind that your pet is not a road accident casualty lying at the roadside.

Why has your animal disappeared?

It’s also worth considering why your pet has disappeared in case it is related to a change of situation or health.
If there are changes in the household e.g. new babies, children, other new pets or tension in the household, cats especially may decide to relocate (tempoarily or permenantly). This can be prevented if you create safe quiet spaces for them when such changes are imminent e.g. placing cat beds on bookcases where they are out of the way of young children who might play rough with them.
Pets sometimes go away when they are unwell. If left to their own devices they may even just stay away, curl up and die if they are nearing the end of their life. Interestingly, after my Elvie cat returned his health declined rapidly, so the out of the ordinary behaviour of his being missing for a day probably related to that and was an indicator that things were not well with him.

Mindset and energy tips and exercises

1. De-stress yourself
If you are worried, anxious, fearful and het up, you’re not in a good state of mind to think clearly, so do whatever works for you to balance your emotions.
I suggest EFT tapping for this and have many free tap along videos that can help you.
I find that tapping out any fear or guilt etc means that you are then better able to tune into the energy of your pet and once you are calm you may get insights about where they could be.

2. Focus on what you want
Once you are calm it’s easier to focus on what you want – to find them / to have them come home – rather than staying focused on what you don’t want, them being lost.
This makes a huge difference in your attitude and energy.
When your focus is on finding them, more ideas and solutions will occur to you.

3. Energy exercises.
In this week’s video I share two energy exercises that I use to help me reconnect with lost pets. The first is called the beacon. To do this I send out an energy beacon calling that pet home. The second is called the heart re-union and it’s a lovely way to help your pet re-connect with your energy and find their way back to you.

Please watch the video below for full instructions on how to do these two exercises.

Video: Two energy exercises to help your pet return home.


Over to you

Have you any hints or tips for finding lost pets?
If you tried the exercises in the video, did they help your pet to come home?

Often I find I get insights after doing these exercises, because they help me tune in to their energy at a deeper level so even if the pets are not near enough to come home themselves I get insights about where to look for them.

Please share this post with anyone who has lost their pet. It may help them be re-united sooner rather than later.

Thank you.

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