Why don’t people understand how much my pet means to me?


As loving pet owners it can surprise us that others may not think like we do about pets. We may think the world revolves around our fur babies (and I’ll admit that mine certainly does) but many people have different attitudes and when we run slap bang into those attitudes, it can hurt. Let me give you a couple of examples from situations my clients have encountered (names have been changed).

1. Pet loss.

Jenny lost her beloved dog, Benji and was finding it hard to cope, especially to go back to a ‘normal routine’. Her co-workers were supportive enough on her first day back to work, and even offered condolences, but after a few days they couldn’t understand why Jenny was still sad and so she felt she had to hide her feelings from them and try to carry on ‘as normal’ even though she felt heartbroken and her world was still turned upside down. 

2. Where should they sleep?

Sharon has always loved dogs and had them in the home since a child. Her new partner, Rob, grew up on a farm and is used to dogs living outside in a kennel rather than being indoor pets. Sharon wants to get a dog when they move in together, but doesn’t know how to deal with Rob’s attitude and is concerned there will be friction about where the dog will sleep. Her family dogs have always slept indoors and been part of the household (her old dog used to sleep on her bed at night, but she’s really nervous at suggesting THAT idea to Rob!).

So, how do we deal with ‘those who don’t understand’?  

Even though it may be easy to think that ‘they’ (the other ‘insensitive’ person) just needs a good attitude adjustment, I have found that the best approach is to look at our own reactions and deal with the emotions that the situation is triggering in us (rather than rushing out and trying to ‘change’ the other / make them understand). We are more powerful when we create change from the inside rather than needing others to change for us to feel better.

So, if their insensitivity is making you angry, deal with that anger. If it makes you sad, deal with those feelings of sadness. If you feel judged by people for how you treat your pet e.g. for letting your dog sleep on your bed or for giving them Christmas presents, then explore those feelings.

When we do our inner work (especially using EFT tapping) I find that these situations, upsets and conflicts are dealt with and resolved with greater ease. We become less easily triggered by others or caught up in their opinions and beliefs. By dealing with our own ‘stuff’ we create a neutral space from which to then communicate with others (if that’s needed).

It can also help to talk to sympathetic friends or family members or to get help from a professional such as myself, who can help you navigate these situations and emotions and to find clarity and resolution.

Try it for yourself.

I have made an EFT taping video so you can do some inner work right now with me. Just bring to mind an issue with a pet of yours where you feel that you aren’t understood or you are being judged. I’ll show you how to use the tapping to reduce the intensity around the situation. Click here or on the image below to watch the video.

Over to you.

Let me know if you have tried tapping along with the video.

Did it change how you feel about what other people think of your relationship with your pets? What are your experiences of others judging you or dis-agreeing with how you treat your pets?

Leave me a comment below this post and please share this post with those who can benefit from it (maybe some sensitive pet parents).

Thank you,


2 Responses to Why don’t people understand how much my pet means to me?

  1. Thank you so much for the video on others not understand the connection between fur babies and self. I started with a 10 as a huge issue, and after tapping along with you and thinking of the present issue, I ended with a 3. I’m lighter and more accepting of all that don’t understand. I can deal with it now.
    Thank you again.

    • That is a great result Rhea, than you for sharing it here. It really frees up our energy when we do this work and we can feel a lot lighter emotionally when we do it. It is worth doing the tapping again and getting that number down to a 0. Happy tapping.