How can you best help your ageing pets?

a golden oldie
It just dawned on me that my Sally dog and Leo cat are the first elderly pets I’ve had to look after in my adult life.
Sally is what many call ‘a good age’ at 17-18 years young and Leo is a mere 14 years old, but still showing signs of ageing.
I’ve always called Sally a ‘puppy’ and I still do, even though she has slowed down, she doesn’t hear or see quite as well as she used to and she can’t always jump up on the sofa without assistance.

People say I have a good attitude and I agree with that, becuase in my point of view mindset and attitude make a huge difference to how our pets behave … and even age. I am very conscious not to buy into the projections we have around ageing (for us and our pets), hence Sally is an eternal puppy (and she mostly still acts like one).

How do you react to your pet’s ageing process?

It can seem really challenging to see our pets age, to feel that they are past their prime. It can bring up a lot of emotions in us when they show signs of ageing, especially if their health starts to decline.
Do you find yourself feeling sad when your pet starts to look older (and even wondering if you can turn back the clock)?
Does your mind start to wonder about ‘how long they have left’?
Do you fret about how to make sure they are happy and comfortable?

That kind of though has passed through many of our minds, especially those of us who are very sensitive to the needs of others.
Yet, I feel that many of us give them too much airtime and such thoughts really aren’t productive or helpful.
That doesn’t mean you have to become ‘thick skinned’ or uncaring, rather you could choose to change your focus with practice, get clear about what actions you can take to help your elderly pets and let go of what is beyond your control.

What can you do to help them age gracefully?

So, what CAN you do to help them during their Golden Years then?
(I’m talking beyond veterinary care and good nutrition).
There are some really simple energy techniques that I use to help pets thrive into their old age and boost their health and well-being.
My favourite one is EFT tapping.

I’ve been using this with my pet and human clients for 5 years now and I teach it to the pet’s people with great results. I also want to share it with you.
I’ve seen it help pets reverse health decline, have more energy and zest for life again. I’ve seen their people let go of their worries and become more relaxed about their pet’s ageing process and make a huge difference to their pet’s health through the tapping.
(Hint: Dealing with your worries and concerns about their health allows their health to improve as they pick up on and respond to your energy).

I love sharing about this technique (and a couple of other processes too) and it’s my mission to help our beloved elderly pets (Golden Oldie’s as I call them) to feel as wonderful as possible – after all, they’ve given us a lifetime of unconditional love.

Usually at this point in the blog I give some tips and a tapping video but I have so much to share about this topic that one blog post isn’t enough. So, I’ve gone one step further and created a special something where I can go into more detail so you can REALLY make a difference in their health as they age. I’ve called it the ‘Golden Oldie Pet Love Challenge’. Watch this week’s video to find out more (including some of the topics I’ll be covering) and if you want to join in, the link is below.


Will you join in with Golden Oldie Pet Love Challenge?

If you’re ready to give extra support to your pets through their old age, then come join in the challenge.
It runs live from Monday 19th October to Friday 23rd October and it’s free.
For more details and to sign up, click here.

Do invite your friends, the more the merrier. Let’s get as many people as possible helping their elderly pets to thrive.
Send them to




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