Making peace with what is (with tap along video)

make peace
Can you make peace with what’s happening in your life?

I’m a great follower of the Law of Attraction techniques and I use them regularly with clients, for example helping them to cultivate a positive attitude and to become proactive rather than reactive to their pets condition or issue.

When it comes to my pet owning clients there’s one technique that is very powerful, but some people find hard to accept. That is the art of making peace with what is. There can be a lot of resistance to this, especially for pet parents who come to me to help fight against their pet’s illness. They want to take action, to make things better. I’m all for that (and actively helping pets to heal is an integral part of my work), yet, I know also that the ‘energy’ behind our actions makes a huge difference in our outcomes and so the energy that my human clients being to the situation really makes a difference.

So, why make peace?

When we make peace and accept the situation that we are faced with, it becomes easier to allow change and inspiration, but when we are pushing against it, caught up in the unfairness of it or the awfulness of it, our energy and our focus is more negative and closed, so we don’t easily see possibilities for moving forward. Also, our pets pick up on our moods and fears, so it helps them when we become more peaceful inside.

I am where I am and it’s ok.

A phrase I use, from the teachings of Abraham Hicks is ‘ I am where I am and it’s ok’. This can be really hard to hear, let alone accept, if we’re slap bang in an awful situation with our pet, I know. People want to yell “No it’s NOT ok, something must be done.” When we’re scared and worried it’s hard to feel ok, I know (that’s why I have an EFT tapping video for you at the end of this post).

Please note that making peace isn’t the same as condoning something. The situation may indeed seem unfair and terribly wrong. When we accept that ‘it is what it is’ that doesn’t mean we’re saying that it’s ‘right’ or ‘good’. It’s just acknowledging that it’s our current reality.

Won’t I just get more of the same?

Some followers of the Law of Attraction are concerned that if they make peace with the situation, then they’ll just keep getting more of it and that things will stay the same but acually the reverse tends to happen (that’s the magic of this process).

Why? Becuase we’ve stopped focusing so much on the unwanted – we’ve stopped fighting and pushing against it so hard (and, you know, it takes a lot of energy to fight and it puts us on red alert if we’re in flight or flight mode). So, it’s like coming up for a breath of fresh air. We can let go of some of the tension and stress. Then we can think more clearly and we become more open to solutions to our situation or more productive ways to cope.

Try it for yourself (EFT tapping video)

Todays video discusses this process further and includes an EFT tapping round, to help you find your way to being ok in the moment, no matter what is going on around you. When that becomes a possibility for you your whole life feels different. I truly find it a priceless exercise.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Have you been able to make peace when your pets have health issues or emergency situations or do you get caught up in fear or worry?

Also, if you tried the tapping, let me know how you got on.


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