Staying connected with your pet when you’re miles apart.

shutterstock_159543659 Do you hate it when you’re away from your pets and wish you could connect with them?Well, today I’ll tell you how to do just that.

You see, for the past 5 days I’ve been home alone, without my beloved pets – yikes. I’m so used to seeing their smiling happy faces, hearing the patter of their paws, and generally getting oodles of fuss and cuddles from them, so it’s hard when they’re not around. (I’ve been doing some major decorating that was just too dusty and disruptive for the animals, so they’re all off on holiday, while I sand and oil floors).

I have several ways to help myself to stay connected with them when we’re parted and I want to share some of them with you today because they work and help everyone to cope better and not miss each other quite so much.

Firstly, I like to tell them before we part that they’ll be going away (ditto if we’re going away and leaving them). Our pets are very intuitive, they know when something is about to happen (by our energy and body language), so it’s really just good manners to let them know.

How to tell your pet you’re going to be parted.

This really is simple, trust me. I just ‘show’ them, in a way they’ll understand. So, I sit down with them and then I imagine the scene in my head, like it’s on a movie screen. I show them what’s going to happen e.g. me going away or them going away, being away and coming back again. You can talk them though it too and tell them that you’ll be gone but are coming back soon (like you’re talking to a child). The important thing is to be calm and in a good emotional place while you do it – and to trust in the process (our pets are easily able to pick up on our thoughts and energy and will get the jist of it).

Here’s how I tell them exactly how long I’ll be away for.  As I’m not convinced that they know the days of the week, so I show them it in moons / darks. So, If I’m going away on Friday morning and come back on a Monday morning I show them me gong and there being three ‘darks’ until I come back (I imagine a time lapse photography scene of it). Simple.

How to stay connected once apart

So, once they’re gone, I still like to check in on them and stay bonded. Here’s the simplist way of doing this. It’s beautiful and you don’t need any special ‘skills’ to do it, just an open heart. Follow along with the video or with the instructions below.

1. Take a few deep breaths in and out through the heart to centre yourself. N.B. If you are feeling at all upset or negative (sad to be parted from them / anxious about them) you need to sort that out before going to the next step. I suggest using EFT tapping for this.

2. Think about them and how much you love them. Picture them in your mind. You should have a big grin on your face if you do this bit right.

3. Now, imagine a cord of light extending from your heart to theirs, connecting you both.

4. Next, you can imagine that you are there with them. Imagine giving them a cuddle or a hug (or however you play with them). Really imagine their fur (or feathers or scales) beneath your hands, get a tactile sense of being there with them, bonding with them. If you want, at this stage you can give them a message or just say ‘I love you’. They’ll pick it up (more from your energy than your words).

5. When you’re done you say goodbye for now and bring your energies back along the cord back to your own heart. Take a few more heart breaths, feel your feet on the floor and make sure you feel fully present in your own body before opening your eyes and getting on with your day.

Try it the next time you’re parted from your pets and remember, that if you’re upset about being parted from them, use the EFT tapping to clear your energies first.

As ever, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know how you get on with the exercise or what ways you use to stay connected with your pets when apart. Also, feel free to share this article with those who would benefit from it. Thank you.

One Response to Staying connected with your pet when you’re miles apart.

  1. […] 3. Keep in touch with your pets if you’re away from them.

 I know that some of you may be away from your pets over the holidays and that isn’t always easy. Here’s a reminder of how to stay connected with your pet even when you’re away from them. I find it helps reduce any separation anxiety.
 Also, as I suggest in the post, do tell them when you’re going away and for how long.

 Here’s the post and video link […]