Author Archives: Ferris

When to DIY and when to get extra help.

When do you go DIY and when do you call for extra assistance when helping yourelf and your pets? There isn’t actually an easy answer to this question. Both options have there merits, for sure.  DIY is on your own terms and very cost effective, whilst getting help brings fast expert assistance. But first things… Continue Reading

Making peace with what is (with tap along video)

I’m a great follower of the Law of Attraction techniques and I use them regularly with clients, for example helping them to cultivate a positive attitude and to become proactive rather than reactive to their pets condition or issue. When it comes to my pet owning clients there’s one technique that is very powerful, but… Continue Reading

Zen and the art of pet medication.

Zen and the art of pet medication.

Not many people know this. I used to really hate having to give my pets medication. I would tense up at the mere thought of it, even just holding the medication would make my heart sink ever so slightly as my mind turned to having to administer it. Truth be known, I really was pretty… Continue Reading